Eyelid Surgery
Dr. Adam Hamawy can try to restore the natural shape of the eyelid and improve the position and function. This may require tightening and supporting the lower lid.
Prior blepharoplasty may result in eyes that have difficulty closing or excess sclera showing where the white inside the lower eyelid is revealed. Complications may include ectropion or entropion where an abnormal lower lid position may cause eye discomfort.
Your Eyelid Repair Consultation
During your first visit, Dr. Hamawy will ask you about your desired results. This will help him understand your expectations and let you know if they can be realistically accomplished. Dr. Hamawy will analyze your eyes and face as a whole and evaluate the shape of your eyes, and the position and function of your eyelids. During your consultation, photographs will be taken for your medical records and additional analysis.
You will learn about the procedure, its limitations and risks, and Dr. Hamawy will discuss your needs and concerns.
Correction of your eyelids may be covered by your insurance; please discuss your potential benefits and precertification for surgery with our staff.

Lower Blepharoplasty
Cosmetic enhancement of the lower eyelid region, or lower blepharoplasty, can remove the bags under the eyes and give back a natural contour to make you look more youthful. A lower eyelid procedure may also improve the dark circles, or tear troughs, that run from the inner corner of your eyes to the cheek. Lower eyelid surgery can restore a smooth, fresh appearance to the lower eyelid and cheek. Dr. Adam Hamawy uses advanced techniques to restore the lower eyelid, including removing or repositioning of excess fat to avoid a hollow appearance. The lower lid muscles are supported and tightened to maintain the shape of your eyes.
Dr. Hamawy can perform you lower eyelid blepharoplasty comfortably in the office with local anesthesia and mild sedation. You may engage in light activity the day after your procedure. Depending on any accompanying procedures, normal activity may take 1-2 weeks. Your appearance will gradually refine over the following six weeks. Proper skincare and sun protection, including sunglasses, are essential during your recovery. Results can last a long time and will have you looking refreshed and more youthful. Nothing can fully prevent aging, therefore natural aging will continue after your eyelid procedure.
Your visit with Dr. Hamawy will determine if you are a good candidate for lower eyelid surgery. We want you look the best you possibly can. During your first visit, Dr. Hamawy will ask you about your desired results. This will help him understand your expectations and let you know if they can be realistically accomplished. Dr. Hamawy will analyze your eyes and face as a whole and evaluate the shape of your eyes, the amount of eyelid skin you have and the position of your eyebrows. During your consultation, photographs will be taken for your medical records and additional analysis.
You will learn about the procedure, its limitations and risks, and Dr. Hamawy will discuss your needs and concerns. He will explain which techniques are most appropriate for you based on your examination and factors such as the amount of fat in the eyelids, quality of skin, and surrounding structures.
The procedure to rejuvenate the eyelids usually involves incisions in the natural creases or lines in your upper eyelid. Dr. Hamawy believes that surgeries are individualized procedures and that no one technique is right for every patient. In most cases, excess skin and some fat will be removed. In more extreme cases eyelid muscles may also be tightened. Someone with early signs of aging may not need as extensive an operation as a person with more advanced signs. Incisions around the eyes usually heal very well and are almost imperceptible.
Upper Blepharoplasty
It’s only natural to want to look your best. Cosmetic surgery of the upper eyelid can give you a natural, more youthful appearance to the upper eyelid by removing the extra skin that gives you a tired appearance.
Dr. Adam Hamawy uses specialized techniques to refine the upper eyelid including the repositioning of fat pads and correction of the upper eyelid fold. Results can be long-term, turning back the clock on your appearance from 8 to 10 years. Natural aging will continue after your eyelid procedure.
The Day of the Procedure
Before the procedure, you will be given medicine to lessen the anxiety and pain. The procedure can be done in the office under local anesthesia with some mild sedation. The surgery usually takes about one (1) hour. Be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home.
Your Recovery
You will likely have swelling and bruising around your eyes for several days after your procedure. Special cold compresses will be given to help for the first two days. Sleeping with your head elevated on several pillows will also help decrease the swelling. It may take a few weeks before your eyelids close like they did before the procedure and feel like they are shutting naturally again. Before you go home, you will be given prescription eye drops and ointments for you to apply.
Your vision may be blurry from the procedure for a few days before you are able to watch television and read clearly. If you wear contact lenses, it may be about 2 weeks before you can start wearing them again. Your follow-up visits will usually start a few days following your procedure for a checkup and Dr. Hamawy will review activity limitations, incision care and concerns you may have. Following this visit you will return in approximately 1 week, 1 month, 6 months and one year.
Average cost: $7,000-$9,000
The cost of your blepharoplasty procedure will depend on your specific case and if you opt to receive additional treatments or procedures. Please feel free to schedule a private consultation to receive a quote.
Quick Facts
- Length: 1-3 hours
- Anesthesia: Local and Sedation or General
- In/Outpatient: Outpatient
- Recovery: Return to work: 7 – 10 days

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